Friday, December 11, 2020

RV Slide Controller Remount

The Problem 

The slide controller in my Jayco Greyhawk 26Y slideout bedroom is located under the bed.

The problem is that when you have a failure of the slide mechanism you have to manually push the slide in and lock it in position.

To manually move the slide in/out you need to:

  • Remove the connections to the motor at the slide controller. 
  • Push the slide in/out and then reconnect the motor wires to lock the slide in place.

Doh! Once the slide is moved in the controller is covered by the bed and the motor wires are inaccessible. 

Slide controller is mounted on the sidewall under the bed


Remount the controller to the outside wall of the bed platform so it is accessible at all times.
For your model, the slide controller may be in an alternate location so your solution may be different.


This series of videos details what I did:

Reroute the wires: be careful not to disconnect anything in that rats nest.



Shop made from 1/4 fiberboard then painted black.
A piece of plexiglass was glued to the back of the bezel.
Alternately I since found this bezel which may fit, check your dimensions:

Misc Parts

Tie wraps
1 x 2 for the wood bracket on the back of the controller
4 x wood screws
Plexiglass that fits the inside of the bezel.
6 x 6 1/4" fiberboard


  • Dremel vibrating saw
  • Screwdriver

Enjoy and comment,